cracked double pane window is what anyone wants to find in their house. But it sometimes happens and you need to repair or replace it quickly. If the damage was a small crack, it will be easy to repair. But completely broken glass needs to be replaced.
These situations may occur at any time of the year, and there may not be anything touching the window or flying into the window to cause such a break. There is a reason behind these mysterious breaks. In this article of Antique Glass ltd, we’ll shed some light on the subject.
How does the double glazing window work?
Double glazing uses two panes of glass, and a layer of argon is separated between the two parts, which makes your house more energy-efficient and reduces noise. Argon has very poor thermal conductivity, so it prevents warm air from escaping, and the second piece of glass acts as sound insulation. If you’re looking for a new double-glazed window in London, check our project.
what all this information means, in reality, is that double glazing will:
- Keep more external noise out of your home
- Retain more heat and keep your home warmer
- Reduce condensation on your windows
- Reduce the amount of energy you use to heat your home
- Reduce your energy bills
- Add value to your home
What leads to a cracked double pane window?
Manufacturing errors
As double-glazed glass is now common, it still requires precise engineering design to use it correctly. In manufacturing, there are many different practices and environmental factors that can lead to a decrease in window life.
Even a tiny, imperceptible scratch in the center of the glass pane will cause a weak point, which may be exposed later. This risk is greater when the required incision is more complex (for example in beveled glass).
If double-glazed windows are created in the hot summer, the risk cracking is greater in winter when the atmospheric pressure is lower.
If the glass has sufficient strength, the possibility of cracking windows can be reduced. So, it is usually worth choosing a 6mm glass instead of the more common 4mm glass.
The size and shape of the window can determine which windows are most vulnerable to breakage. Consider it in terms of aspect ratio. If you have a small square or even round window, you will find that the risk of these windows being broken is usually very low. This is because shorter glass plates have less chance of bending compared to larger glass plates. Therefore, in these cases, the very high window is very narrow and there is a greater risk of fracture or stress cracking.
Important Safety Note: Please, leave removing the broken glass to a professional to avoid any injuries. You can just clean up any glass on the floor.
How to fix the cracked double pane window?
our experts recommend that replace the cracked double pane window completely. because a temporary solution is not safe. On the other hand, unsolving this problem will increase your energy bills a lot because these cracks facilitate air circulation. To ensure you should replace the old ones with the best types of windows.
Repair tips
Here are 4 tips to quickly and temporarily repair windows:
- Stick the tape on both sides of the crack to stabilize the pane.
- Clean the glass surface with acetone (nail polish remover) and carefully apply super glue to prevent cracks from spreading.
- Cover the windows with plastic. You can buy some tool kits to isolate windows temporarily.
- When working on windows, check the frame and glass. If there are gaps, especially older windows, use a caulking gun to seal them.
If you still have any additional questions after you’ve had a read, or would like more information, speak to a member of our team today.
How do you clean the inside of a double paned window?
Hello John,
Unfortunately, You cannot clean the inside panes of a double-paned window. If you see moisture or spots, it indicates the unit has failed and needs to be replaced.